If you've recently become pregnant, you're undoubtedly full of questions.  Are there any dietary adjustments you should make or medications you should avoid? What about physical activity and work modifications? What must you do to care for your growing child? How can you ensure that you take care of yourself at the same time?

Here are the top ten questions to ask your OB/GYN during your first pregnancy visit. Whether it’s your regular doctor or someone you’ve found by searching “gynecologist near me”,  these things are worth asking about.

1. Should I Make Any Dietary Changes? 

During your pregnancy, try to eat a variety of foods, such as lean meats, nutritious grains, fruits and vegetables, and unsaturated fats. Prenatal supplements are very popular among women. Consult with your doctor for particular dietary advice.

2. Which Foods Should I Avoid When Pregnant? 

Consume only thoroughly cooked meat, fish, eggs, and poultry to lessen the risk of foodborne illness. Unpasteurized dairy products should be avoided. Soft cheeses (Brie, feta, Camembert) should be avoided unless the label clearly specifies that they are manufactured from pasteurized milk. 

Before eating, thoroughly rinse fresh fruits and raw vegetables under running water (approximately 30 seconds). Consume raw sprouts with caution. Refrigerated smoked fish should not be eaten unless it is cooked in a casserole. Smoked seafood can be consumed in canned or shelf-stable form.

3. How Much Weight Can I Reasonably Expect to Acquire During My Pregnancy? 

The healthy weight gain ranges are determined by your pre-pregnancy BMI. Your doctor will assist you in establishing appropriate weight gain objectives. 

4. How Much Exercise Should I Do? 

Regular exercise can help to minimize or prevent back pain, excess weight gain, and the risk of gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. Pregnant women should avoid activities that pose a high risk of falling or abdominal damage, such as high-altitude exercise and scuba diving. 

5. Can I Travel When Pregnant? 

Many pregnant women drive during their pregnancies, and wearing a seatbelt is strongly advised. Many pregnant women also fly until late in their pregnancies, with most airlines allowing travel up to 37 weeks. Consult with your doctor about precautions to take when going.

6. Will I Be Allowed to Work During My Pregnancy? 

Although some adaptations to your work style may be required, women can generally plan to work throughout their pregnancy. Discuss with your doctor how to keep comfortable at work and what to do if you require special accommodations.

7. Can I Continue to Take My Existing Medications? 

Your prescriptions may need to be modified, switched, or discontinued. Only a few medications have been approved as completely safe during pregnancy. When taken as intended, many drugs have an excellent safety record and do not raise the risk of birth abnormalities or bad pregnancy outcomes. 

Some medications should be avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy but may be safe to take later in the pregnancy. It is critical to balance the intensity of your symptoms with the potential risks to your baby. Inquire with your doctor about certain medications, whether prescription or over-the-counter.

8. When Is My Next Scheduled Appointment? 

Women should plan to see their provider every 4 weeks through 28 weeks, every 2 weeks between 28 and 36 weeks, and weekly from 36 weeks to delivery for an uncomplicated pregnancy. If you have a high-risk pregnancy, your doctor may want to visit you more frequently. During this first session, discuss a prenatal care plan with your doctor.

9. Do You Advocate For Any Kind of Prenatal Screening or Testing? 

Your doctor may recommend prenatal screening or testing based on factors such as your age, family medical history, and ethnic background. The decision to undergo prenatal screening or testing is a personal one, and there is no one method that is correct. Your doctor will assist you in making the best selection for you.