If you are undergoing oral surgery, you will need to perform a few things before the procedure. Follow these twelve simple steps as you prepare for the big day!

1. Carefully read your pre-op instructions.

If your dentist gives you any instructions before your procedure, read them! This will provide information about your anesthesia and how to prepare for it. It will also include any unique instructions that are relevant to your operation.

2. Pick up your medication in advance.

After your surgery, you will need to be fully recovered. As a result, you will be unable to leave the house to take your medication. Make sure to visit the pharmacy before your treatment to pick up any drugs you will require throughout your recovery.

3. Ask a family member or friend for a ride.

You will be unable to drive or get home on your own after anesthesia. As a result, make arrangements with a family member or friend to accompany you to and from your visit. If no one is available to transport you, you will have to wait at the dentist's office until it is safe to contact a taxi.

4. Head to the grocery store.

Following your oral surgery, you will be required to follow a very stringent diet. As a result, make sure to stock up on the foods that will help you recuperate! When shopping, choose only healthy beverages such as water, tea, milk, and protein drinks. You will also need to eat softer meals for a few days. Avoid acidic or spicy foods, as well as drinks that require a straw.

5. Discuss Sedation Dentistry Options

Many surgical procedures necessitate the use of sedation dentistry or general anesthetic to ensure the patient's comfort and safety. We'll prescribe the proper sedative option based on the length and complexity of the procedure, your degree of anxiety, and your particular pain tolerance to ensure you have a positive experience throughout treatment and recover quickly and comfortably. If you have previously undergone anesthesia or sedation, please let us know, especially if you had any bad reactions during or after sedation.

6. Discuss Dental Insurance & Financing Options

Discussing financial alternatives can be difficult for many individuals, but we try our best to provide financing solutions that allow you to fit the cost of necessary treatments into your budget. Our expert staff members are familiar with the intricacies of most medical and dental insurance policies, and we can assist you in maximizing your benefits. If your health insurance benefit plan includes a health savings account (HSA) or a flexible spending account (FSA), we can usually take these payments as well. When necessary, we partner with third-party financiers to provide payment plans.

7. Fast.

If you are going to have anesthesia, your dentist will advise you not to eat or drink for at least eight hours before your procedure. If you need to take medication, simply a small sip of water is required. This will help you avoid the danger of aspiration during surgery.

8. Select the right clothing.

You'll want to dress comfortably for your operation. Avoid wearing shirts with sleeves because nurses will need your arms to take your vital signs, administer an IV, and check your blood pressure.

9. Do not smoke.

You should avoid smoking for at least 12 hours before your procedure and for at least 24 hours afterward.

10. Arrive early.

Plan to arrive around 20 minutes early for your appointment. This will allow you to complete any last-minute paperwork and ask any remaining questions you may have.

11. Get a good night's sleep.

It is always advisable to have a good night's sleep before your treatment. Ask your oral surgeon if there are any sleeping positions they recommend to avoid putting pressure on your mouth (if applicable to your specific operation).

12. Ask any outstanding questions.

If you have any concerns about your treatment, recuperation, or the risks and advantages, please ask!